TelQuality Services, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I obtain your services?
A. If you are requesting an audit/inspection, you can complete and submit the online form by clicking the "Audit Request" link, or by contacting us directly or both. Don Hale - 614 237 1295 or Carol Swearengen 740 283 2909

Q. What will your services cost me?
A. We will be more than happy to give you a quote on a single project, group of projects or ongoing projects and assignments. Please give us a call.

Q. How can I apply for employment?
A. We utilize contractors to perform requested services. Anyone wanting to be included on our list of acceptable contractors needs to complete the Work Application available on this site. When the need arises for additional employees we will post it on the Home page.

Q. What does the job entail?
A. Any of our services listed on our Services page.

Q. What are the areas ?
A. There are no defined areas. We are striving to have a Quality Professional available wherever a customer requests our services.

Q. Is there any traveling?
A. We are striving to keep traveling within a 50-75 mile area, depending on geographic location. However, your location and the area to be covered may require travel outside this range.

Q. Is there any money involved from me?
A. No money is exchanged from you to TelQuality Services, Inc. As contractors, you are required to provide tools necessary to complete your assignment, such as transportation, access to the internet, we provide the data collection database.

Q. What timeframe are you looking for people?
A. We accept applications all the time. When an opportunity arises for work in your area you will be notified and it will be posted on the internal website.

Q. Do you have part-time positions?
A. No one is considered full-time. As work opportunities present themselves people are notified and they have an opportunity to accept or reject it through a contractor's agreement form on the internal website. We will note from your application the number of hours you are willing to work in a week and respond accordingly.

Q. How do I get an email address/account and access to the internal website?
A. These are separate. An email account with and password are assigned upon acceptance of your application. This will allow you to receive and send communications via email, access the bulletin board and post questions, alerts, etc. Access to the internal website is granted once you accept an assignment. There you will find additional tools and information to accomplish the assigned task.

Q. How am I paid for my services and at what rate?
A. The rate of pay can be hourly or by assignment. The rate negotiated with you is stated in the contractor's agreement you must complete for each assignment. Similar assignments within a given time period will be grouped together as one assignment.

Payments are made on the 30th of each month.

Q. As a contractor, what deductions will be made from my payment?
A. None. As a contractor you will be responsible for all taxes and other legal responsibilities.

Additional questions can be submitted to